LATAM Travel - Adventures in 2d, 360°/VR
With LATAM's new direct flights from Chile and Brazil to Los Angeles, LATAM is giving Americans and Latinos the gift of easily discovering three of the most exciting locations in the Americas. It's the gift of adventure and exploration.
Welcome to LATAM Travel Adventure TV. A spirited exploration of the Americas that tantalizes the senses and discovers new places. All led by the young and the adventurous.
With the experience of Drewstone Production's Duo, Lucas Gath(Argentinian) & Tony Mancilla (US), in both traditional video and 360°/VR video creation production and implementation, LATAM will be the first Latin American airline to have their own channel of discovery and adventure hosted by young and fun Latinos and Americans. Whether it's for the LATAM, Facebook, unique partnerships, in 2D and 360°/VR, LATAM's Adventure Series will inspire both the young and the old to use the convenience of the new direct flights in search of discovering new places and reconnecting with their loved ones.
Adventurous Living
Bringing Family Together
In 2015, Drewstone Production's Tony Mancilla along with Director Alfredo Villa and PEPSI Cola brought 50 Guatemalans back to Guatemala City to surprise their loved ones for the holidays. See below...
Drewstone Productions VR Sister Company CATOVIA
LATAM Adventures - Hosts
Our Young & Adventurous Hosts
Instagram 113K Followers, 13K Likes, LA Adventure!
Juana Ringeling - Chile
Restless and multifaceted has achieved to grow a career as an actress, singer and producer. She has had leading roles on movies, theater, television and web productions, standing out in Bim Bam Bum (TV Serial), Shortwave(movie), The beauty and the beast (musical), among others.
Also known for her program Carnaval, after three seasons and a lifetime of trips she have become a traveler icon being followed for her tireless will of discovering new landscapes, cultures and experiences and her deep sense of nature conservation and healthy life.
Social Media Information
TBD Celeb - Brazil
Social Media Information
TBD Celeb